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March 27, 2007 Subject:
This one seems a bit tongue-in-cheek, but still excellent
It's definitely a departure from the Super-science or war-time versions. A skinny crook is doubling Superman and stealing things, so Superman gets the blame for the robberies. His boss is a very Edward G. Robinson looking character who receives all of the items he steals. When Superman is going after the pseudo-Superman up on a rooftop, the way he moves reminds me of the giant robots from the movie "Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow" (a really wonderful film worth seeing). If you take a look at the Superman cartoon "Mechanical Monsters" available on this website, you'll notice those same robots in it along with a somewhat similar story. I wonder if "Mechanical Monsters" was the inspiration for "Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow"? Personally, I think the copyboy is the little brother of the pseudo-Superman character. Their voices were very similar. Also I don't think the copyboy is Jimmy Olsen. He's too young and the ubiquitous camera wasn't present.
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January 11, 2007 Subject:
I can dream, can't I?
Ok, it's kind of corny, and not quite the Superman we've come to know and love, but still it is kind of cute. I found it hard to believe that Superman could be held down by a desk on top of a trap door and Jimmy Olsen's voice sounded like Buggs Bunny, but it's a fun little ol' time flick.
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June 11, 2006 Subject:
Not bad
Was that kid at the start meant to be Jimmy Olsen, or the MAD Magazine guy? Anyway, not a bad Superman flick, next to some of the others I've seen.
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May 26, 2006 Subject:
And don't forget.....
Reviewer:Jah Gussi
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February 12, 2005 (edited)
Superman Vs Superman